Saturday, February 26, 2011

Colorado Senate Republicans' Letter To Democrat Lawmakers

a reprint from

Senate Republican’s Letter To Democrat Lawmakers
Submitted by admin on Fri, 2011-02-25 14:08
February 24, 2011


President Shaffer and Fellow Legislators:

Senate Republicans have joined Governor Hickenlooper in a bipartisan effort to encourage job creation and economic growth in Colorado. We have offered numerous bills to reduce taxes and burdensome regulations that discourage business expansion. But after six weeks of seeing these bills killed by Democrat votes, we have to ask, where are our Senate Democrat colleagues in this struggle to revive the Colorado economy?

The bipartisanship the Governor has called for takes two parties, and so far in this legislative session, one of them is AWOL.

For example, Democrats voted in lock-step against the following tax-reduction and business cost-reduction measures:

- SB11-098 to phase out the business personal property tax;
- SB11-071 to reduce energy costs;
- SB 11-073 to reverse tax increases on businesses and families;
- SB11-026 to exempt new business property from the personal property tax;
- SB11-118 to strengthen legislative oversight of agency rule making;
- SB11-095 to repeal the FASTER fees except for the amount needed to finance bonds already issued.

None of these bills will be debated on the floor. None will reach the governor’s desk for his consideration.

We ask that you put aside partisan interests and join the Senate Republicans in a genuine attack on business taxes and regulatory compliance costs so that Colorado businesses can invest in business expansion and new jobs. Promises are easy. It’s now time for action.


Mike Kopp
Senate Minority Leader
District 22

Bill Cadman
Assistant Senate Minority Leader
District 10

Mark Scheffel
Senate Republican Caucus Chair
District 4

Scott Renfroe
Senate Minority Whip
District 13

Kevin Grantham
State Senator
District 2

Ted Harvey
State Senator
District 30

Keith King
State Senator
District 12

Steve King
State Senator
District 7

Kent Lambert
State Senator
District 9

Kevin Lundberg
State Senator
District 15

Shawn Mitchell
State Senator
District 23

Ellen Roberts
State Senator
District 6

Nancy Spence
State Senator
District 27

Jean White
State Senator
District 8


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